Hilltop Village Bakery is a community-minded bakery in this remote outpost of the Southern Highlands. A scenic run was had through equally remote Colo Vale with farmlands making up much of what there is to see after leaving Mittagong. The last challenging 5km out to Hilltop allowed some actual trail running using the handy service trail that runs parallel to the narrow country road.
Running Stats:
- Distance: 22.5km
- Pie Time: 2:00

Lamb’s Fry Pie (left); Classic Beef (right).
Pie Charts:
A special lamb’s fry pie was on offer at Hilltop Village Bakery for Pie Time. This is definitely an acquired taste. Australian lambs fry tends to use only liver but traditionally it can contain testicles, heart, kidneys, and even brain. I didn’t expect to be using the word testicles once, let alone twice, in write-ups for Southern Highlands bakeries!
- Pies: Lambs Fry; Classic Beef
- Pastry: Standard pie pastry. We have determined now the difference in pastry based on using vegetable shortner instead of butter. The butter based pastry is certainly preferred as it allows a thick but soft texture.
- Filling: The lamb’s fry had quite a strong taste and personally I found it quite overpowering. The classic beef was a reliable, no-nonsense pie you’d crave while watching a game of footy.
- Cost: $4.50 each
- Sauce tax: 30 cents.
Southern Highlands Pie Trail Run
The Southern ‘Pielands’ Trail Run went for the month of June. As ambassadors for ‘Pie time’ we ran to all of the 26 bakeries on the official Pie Trail to see what they had to offer. See our reviews of all 26 bakeries, their stories and their pies.
About The Author
Ever since venturing out the back gate into the bush as a kid, I've had a curiosity to escape and explore as often as I could. It's fair to say that my curiosity has continued to grow instead of fade as the years go on. It eventually came time to turn a few scribbled notes into some legible stories and travel tips for anyone with a similar curiosity as me.