The Carretera Austral, a triumph of Chilean engineering and a relic of the ruthless Pinochet dictatorship. Once isolated northern Patagonian towns eventually connected by a passable terrestrial thoroughfare after 20...
The Carretera Austral, a triumph of Chilean engineering and a relic of the ruthless Pinochet dictatorship. Once isolated northern Patagonian towns eventually connected by a passable terrestrial thoroughfare after 20...
Forgive me if I start this article with Inca Cola. Sure, you are expecting to read about the majestic Amazon jungle but first you must learn about Inca Cola. It's...
You know you're travelling when you wake up not knowing where you are, what time it is and what you're supposed to be doing next. It's 5:30am, in Buenos Aires...
Awake to the clickity clack of the overnight train from Agra into Varanasi. Slept pretty well and with no reason to get up, slept through to 10 am. We arrive...